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Sunday, August 16, 2009


Conference calls are a vital service for your business. They can be used in training, marketing and customer service. Your company image comes through on conference calls, just as much as they do in phone calls and face to face meetings. This is why choosing a conference call provider is a process that should be taken seriously by your business.

Conference Calling is Easy

With the advent of the Internet, communication speed has become breathtaking. The faster we communicate, the more we can discuss and accomplish. This means your conference call service must be easy to use and simple to navigate. The service should be a tool that facilitates quick communication and should not hamper the conversation while you fumble with its functions.

Call Quality and Customer Service

Conference calls convey more than just communications. Every interaction you have with clients and customers are Public Relations moments. They are times when your professionalism and sharpness must be perceived by the client. This means you need clear communication lines and good customer support, should there be any problems with a conference call. You need to be able to fix any problems quickly and efficiently to move on to the subject at hand and minimize disruption.


While price is a factor, be careful not to choose from the bottom of the barrel. In business, you get what you pay for. Free services are not likely to convey the professional image your business needs to succeed with clients. Because free service providers are out there, you should not be paying large fees to your conference call service. However, if you want a good service provider, some nominal fees should be expected to maintain the technology and pay employees to provide the good customer service.

Good technology and customer service will ensure your company’s image is projected in the best light during conference calls. Sales can fall through for any number of reasons. Do not let your conference call service provider be one of them.


  1. yes free services are not meant for business .. you get what you pay for

    conference call services in india

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