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Sunday, August 16, 2009


Whether you are an assistant looking at conferencing options to present to your boss, a manager looking to pitch conferencing services to their board or staff, or anyone looking to communicate their communication needs to their IT staff; we wanted to attempt to demystify the audio and web conference calling lingo. Here are a few common key phrases and definitions to understand. We will try to have a few blog postings this week on additional keywords.

Moderator - The person facilitating the conference or event. The moderator can be the person leading or hosting the event, however it is usually most productive if the moderator is a person other than the primary speaker.

Conference Quickstart. Conference Quickstart allows a host to turn off Music on Hold so participants may start the conference prior to the host joining.

Host dial-out. Instant connect allows a host to dial-out from the conference to bring in an expert, other participants, or initiate a meeting "on the fly". InstantConnect may be launched using a DTMF command or fly View.

DTMF or Dual Tine Multi-Frequency signals - Also called touch-tone dialing. The tones that are heard when you press the buttons on a touch-tone telephone.

Web conferencing - A term that describes the industry forming around the creation of virtual events. This industry is a convergence of technology developed to provide cost-effective interactive communication channels for individuals and businesses. Webcast A presentation in which a live event is recorded and streamed over the Internet, or archived for viewing at a later time.

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