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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Conference Call With SaskTel

SaskTel, short for Saskatchewan Telecommunications, is a full-service telecommunications company based in Canada. It offers several options to do teleconferencing. These options are both budget friendly and operationally efficient. SaskTel also provides teleconferencing operators to help determine the best option for your call needs. The most common option used is the Customer Handled On Demand feature.

  1. Call the teleconference operator to begin the process of using the On Demand service. You will need to create an On Demand profile that teleconference operators can look up in the future.

  2. Receive your pass codes from the teleconference operator. These pass codes can be used for all future On Demand conference calls.

  3. Notify the participants of the date and time for the meeting. You will also need to give them the bridge access phone number and security pass code, which you will have received from the teleconference operator.

  4. Instruct meeting participants to dial the bridge access number at the date and time of the meeting. They will then be instructed to enter the security pass code followed by the # key.

  5. Wait for the chairperson. The chairperson has a special dial-in code. When they enter the call, the background music on the call will stop. The call ends when the chairperson disconnects.


  1. A phone call is a phone bring in which somebody converses with a few individuals in the meantime. The telephone calls might be intended to permit the called gathering to take an interest amid the call, or the ring might be set so that the called party simply listens into the call and can't talk. It is here and there called ATC (sound video chat).
    Conference Calling Plugin

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